Pint of Science Festival

Pint of Science Nijmegen presents a free three-day festival where we invite researchers to give talks on “Questions that move science” for the general public based on their research that answers: what and why, why and where, how and why at cafe Ons Thuis from 19:00 - 21:00!

Pint of Science Nijmegen presents a free three-day festival where we invite researchers to give talks on “Questions that move science” for the general public based on their research that answers: what and why (13/5 Monday - in English) ), why and where (14/5 Tuesday - in Dutch), how and why (15/5 Wednesday - in English) at Cafe Ons Thuis from 19:00-21:00! Grab a beer and enjoy a pint with friends while learning about something new! Free tickets can be obtained at:

Monday 13/5 (in English):
1. What to do when 'AI takes over the world'? Lotte van Elteren (Lecturer at Radboud University)
2. What would happen to our microbial hitchhikers if humans travel to Mars? Özlem Bulut (Postdoctoral Researcher at RadboudUMC)
3. Why are we relying on animal testing to keep us safe? Love Hansell (PhD Researcher at Radboud University)

Tuesday 14/5 (in Dutch):…

Pint of Science Nijmegen presents a free three-day festival where we invite researchers to give talks on “Questions that move science” for the general public based on their research that answers: what and why (13/5 Monday - in English) ), why and where (14/5 Tuesday - in Dutch), how and why (15/5 Wednesday - in English) at Cafe Ons Thuis from 19:00-21:00! Grab a beer and enjoy a pint with friends while learning about something new! Free tickets can be obtained at:

Monday 13/5 (in English):
1. What to do when 'AI takes over the world'? Lotte van Elteren (Lecturer at Radboud University)
2. What would happen to our microbial hitchhikers if humans travel to Mars? Özlem Bulut (Postdoctoral Researcher at RadboudUMC)
3. Why are we relying on animal testing to keep us safe? Love Hansell (PhD Researcher at Radboud University)

Tuesday 14/5 (in Dutch):
1. Waarom is de ene persoon met erfelijke slechthorendheid al jong slechthorend en anderen pas als ze veel ouder zijn?Janine Reurink (Wetenschappelijk onderzoeker bij de afdelingen KNO en Genetica van het Radboudumc)
2. Wanneer kunnen we ziekteverspreiding door muggen nou echt gaan stoppen? Milou Stevens
3. Waar was ik ook alweer? De wetenschap van dwalende gedachten. Myrthe Faber (Assistant Professor in Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University)

Wednesday 15/5 (in English):

1. Why is it time to revisit artificial life? Siddhartha Chaturvedi (PhD Candidate at Donders Institute)
2. How do movies and TV series influence our openness towards minorities?Joel Hendrix (PhD candidate at Radboud University)
3. How does our brain calculate the location of touch in external space?Hüseyin Orkun Elmas (PhD Candidate at Radboud University)


Cafe Ons Thuis
Heidebloemstraat 7
6533 SL Nijmegen
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  • Dagelijks t/m 16 mei 2024 19.00 - 21.00 uur


  • Gratis

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